Jodi, normally you keep me coming back for more with all of your books. I hate to say it, but Vanishing Acts did not do it for me. I never thought I'd ever find myself saying that about a Jodi novel, but alas, the time has come.
Vanishing Acts is the story of a woman, Delia, and her father, Andrew, and the discovery that Delia is not who she thinks she is. When she was just a young child, her father 'kidnapped' her from her mother. As the story goes, early on Andrew is arrested at their home in New Hampshire and taken back to their home state of Arizona to await his trial for kidnapping. Keep in mind that at this time, Delia is an adult woman – I would guess in her late twenties/early thirties. Of course she is flabbergasted at her father's imprisonment, and travels to AZ to be near him during these difficult times. None other than Delia's boyfriend, Eric, is picked to represent Andrew. Eric is a recovering alcoholic, which provides an ironic (or not really) twist to the story.
I couldn't help but read some other book reviews while I was in the midst of reading this book. Many were negative, stating how the plot line was predictable and how there was a lot of unnecessary storytelling – I agree with the latter part of this for sure. There was a good chunk of the book devoted to a story of this Native American woman who lived next door to Delia and her daughter during Andrew's trial. I don't really see the point to that woman's involvement at all. Then the book ends in typical Jodi fashion – causing you to wonder what the truth really was! Was Andrew lying about why he kidnapped his daughter? I won't reveal what his reasons were, but if you did read this book – please let me know – I want to know your thoughts!
I'm not giving up on you yet Jodi! Of all the books of yours I've read, this was the only flop in my opinion. I look forward to reading others by you soon!
Next up on my list is Peace Like a River by Lief Enger. This is a book club selection from my church's reading group. Stay tuned for more!
I loved the story. It's a smart story and the detail is great. I was captivated and looked forward to picking it up whenever I could. I agree with the other reviewers that said some of the native american history was a bit boring, because it was. I really just wanted to get to the story. I look forward to starting another one of her books.